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  • Home
    • Web Hosting
      • 1 Website Hosting
      • 2 Website Hosting
      • 3 Website Hosting
      • 5 Website Hosting
      • Multi Website Hosting
      • Unlimited Website Hosting
      • Basic Web Hosting
      • cpanel Web Hosting
      • Linux Web Hosting
      • Windows Web Hosting
      • Premium Web Hosting
    • Shared Hosting
      • Single Domain Shared Hosting
      • Multi Domain Shared Hosting
      • Space Wise Shared Hosting
      • Premium Shared Hosting
      • cpanel Shared Hosting
      • Linux Shared Hosting
      • Windows Shared Hosting
      • Basic Shared Hosting
      • Unlimited Domain Shared Hosting
    • Reseller Hosting
      • Linux Reseller Hosting
      • WHM Panel Reseller Hosting
      • Cpanel Reseller Hosting
      • Unlimited Panel Reseller Hosting
      • Windows Reseller Hosting
      • Plesk Reseller Hosting
      • Basic Reseller Hosting
      • Premium Reseller Hosting
    • VPS Hosting
      • Linux VPS
      • Unlimited Cpanel VPS
      • WHM - Cpanel VPS
      • Windows VPS
      • Windows Plesk VPS
      • Basic VPS
      • Managed VPS
      • Un-Managed VPS
      • Fully Managed VPS
      • Self Managed VPS
      • Semi Managed VPS
      • Basic Managed VPS
    • Dedicated Server
      • Linux Dedicated Server
      • WHM - Cpanel Dedicated Server
      • Window Dedicated Server
      • Windows 10 Dedicated Server
      • Windows Plesk Dedicated Server
      • Managed Dedicated Server
      • Un-Managed Dedicated Server
      • Fully Managed Dedicated Server
      • Self Managed Dedicated Server
      • Basic Managed Dedicated Server
      • Semi Managed Dedicated Server
      • Basic Dedicated Server
      • Semi Dedicated Server
      • Mini Dedicated Server
      • Micro Dedicated Server
      • Budget Dedicated Server
      • Value Dedicated Servers
      • Premium Dedicated Servers
      • Advance Dedicated Server
      • Business Dedicated Server
      • Power Dedicated Server
      • Virtual Dedicated Server
      • Smart Dedicated Server
      • Cloud Dedicated Server
      • Hybrid Dedicated Server
      • Bare Metal Dedicated Server
      • SSD Dedicated Server
      • NvMe Dedicated Server
    • Cloud Hosting
      • Basic Cloud
      • Premium cloud
      • Secured Cloud
      • Linux Cloud
      • cPanel Linux Node
      • Plesk Linux Node
      • Windows Cloud
      • Plesk Window Node
      • Windows SQL Cloud
      • Managed Cloud
      • Un - Managed Cloud
      • Fully managed Cloud
      • Self Managed Cloud
      • Semi Managed Cloud
      • Basic Manged Cloud
    • Private Server
      • 1 WebSite Private Server
      • 2 WebSite Private Server
      • 3 WebSite Private Server
      • 5 WebSite Private Server
      • Unlimited WebSite Private Server
      • Basic private Server
      • Premium Private Server
      • cPanel Private Server
      • Private server + SSL
      • Fully secured Private server
      • Small Business Private sever
      • Business private Server
      • Professtional Private server
      • Corporate private Server
      • Enterprise private server
      • Cpanel Python Hosting
    • Database Hosting
      • Database Server
      • SQL Server
      • MS SQL Reseller
      • MySql Hosting
      • MS SQL Hosting
      • Mongo DB
      • Maria DB
      • PostgreSQL
      • MsSql + MySql Server
      • 2-in-1 DB Server
      • 3-in-1 MS SQL DB
      • Hybrid DB Hosting
      • MS Access Server
      • Oracle
      • Hadoop
      • Redis
      • Cockroach DB
      • Cassandra DB
      • DB Storage Solution
      • DBA Service
      • DB Cloud
      • DB Tools Hosting
    • SSL Certificate
      • Basic SSL
      • Single Domain SSL
      • Multi Domain SSL
      • Wildcard SSL
      • Multi Domain - WildCard SSL
      • Extended Validation SSL
      • Organizational Validation SSL
      • DV SSL
      • EV SSL
      • OV SSL
      • SAN SSL
      • Comodo SSL
      • Postive SSl
      • Symantec SSL
      • GeoTrust SSL
      • Thwate SSL
      • Rapid SSL
      • C-Watch
      • AWS SSL
      • Class 3 SSL certificate
      • Digital Certificate
      • Code Signing certificate
      • Email Signing Certificate
    • Email Server
      • Basic Mail
      • Business Email
      • Corporate Email
      • Professional Mail
      • Professional Mail
      • Google mail
      • Google workspace
      • Google workspace
      • MIcrosoft office
      • Zoho Mail
      • Radiff Mail PRO
      • Amazon AWS Mail
      • Yahoo Mail
      • Zimbra emails
      • Open Xchange Mail
      • Ice Warp email
      • E pro Mail for Business
      • MS Exchange
      • Webmail
      • Roundcube
      • Smarter Mail
      • Mail Enable
      • Horde
      • Rainloop
      • Premium Mail
      • Enterprise mail server
      • Cloud Emails
    • Storage Server
      • Storage Server
      • Cloud Storage
      • DB Storage
      • Object Storage
      • Mass Storage
      • Block Storage
      • Storage box
      • Remote Storage
      • FTP storage

Still unsure? Talk to our sales team & Let them help you choose.

We, at VNET are ready 24*7*365 to provide you with best customer support in 7 Languages.

What Do Our Customers Say?

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Lalita Chahal
Global Agro Group
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Best hosting provider and valuable customer support. Actively response with on-time solutions.

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Bhagwat Patil
Mask Group
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we are getting services from last 10 years , excellent really appreciate. Thanks

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Sarvap Solution
SPL Group
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Vnet india serves the purpose very well. The tech support team is very prompt. Good Service

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Pondy Spa & Massage
Pondy Massage(Spa)
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My website running 100% uptime. I'm put my 5star rating for best service *VNET INDIA* TEAM.